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- Heaven in the net
- an unedited excerpt
- of IRC on #c-64
- by Mike Gordillo
- Note from Jeff: Ooops! I, er,
- kinda fixed a few spelling and
- capitalization errors -- so this
- piece is "mostly unedited."
- As a self-proclaimed "demo
- freak", the following transcript
- (largely unedited) represents one of
- the most interesting discussions
- concerning C-64 that I have ever
- witnessed on IRC (Internet Relay
- Chat) or any other venue. I present
- this to the reader in the hopes of
- encouraging further participation and
- patronage of IRC channel #c-64. We
- begin in the middle of a dissection
- of VIC chip internals by Firefoot.
- [Mike:] Can anything go on
- system-wise when a bad line is being
- "serviced" so to speak?
- [Firefoot:] "BAD" lines are just
- another way of specifying the lines
- where the VIC steals 40 cycles from
- the CPU to do a screen refresh. You
- can delay the bad lines, and push
- the whole screen down (FLD). You can
- force them to occur every line (FLI).
- You can turn them off (blanking the
- screen). You can move them
- horizontally (VSP).
- [Firefoot:] The CPU isn't halted,
- it is busy helping the VIC chip out.
- Any code that you are executing is
- "halted".
- [Waveform:] I never understood
- VSP. I thought the VIC brought the
- CPU off-line so it could sweep in all
- the data for the bitmap in those 40
- cycles (for the next 8 lines).
- [Firefoot:] No, nothing can go on
- system-wise when a bad line is being
- serviced, not in terms of the CPU
- anyway.
- [Firefoot:] Wave - I guess that
- would be functionally identical. I
- guess it depends on whether or not
- you consider the bus part of the
- cpu.
- [Waveform:] The VIC reads its
- data independent of the CPU, but...I
- still never understood VSP. =)
- [Mike:] Yeah, but the CPU and the
- VIC chip can't share the bus at
- once.
- [Firefoot:] I never understood
- VSP well. There is something about
- how tricky stuff with $d011 can cause
- the VIC to think it has started a new
- scanline, when, infact, it has not.
- [Mike:] Well..explain FLD for me
- then, Firefoot. :)
- [Waveform:] FLD is easy but FLI
- is not as easy and VSP scares me.
- [Firefoot:] I've coded VSP, but
- never understood it either. However
- I do understand FLD. You just keep
- playing with $d011 (every scan line)
- so that the VIC keeps thinking that
- the [NEXT] scan line is the one where
- it is supposed to do the refresh of
- screen memory. When you stop doing
- this, it starts drawing the screen
- where it left off.
- [Waveform:] Exactly, FLD is very
- easy to understand but what about
- VSP?
- [Firefoot:] Actually, I stumbled
- across VSP when coding FLI.
- [Waveform:] FLI is essentially
- the same thing as FLD. Except that
- instead of making the VIC think the
- next scan line is where its supposed
- to draw the screen, FLI makes the VIC
- think the current line is the one to
- draw on - but you do it on every
- line.
- [Firefoot:] Well, wave, think of
- VSP as the same thing as FLD except
- instead of pushing the screen down
- scan lines, you push it across
- cycles. Also, try changing the delay
- at the beginning of an FLI routine,
- and you will see the screen shift
- over... voila, vsp!
- [Waveform:] Well, I just recently
- got a stable raster (double interrupt
- style) so I haven't actually done
- anything that specific (FLI for
- example) though FLD is very
- forgiving. You can do nifty FLD with
- virtually no timing at all.
- [Mike:] No timing for FLD? ok...
- Why am *I* having such a hard time
- putting sprites over FLD then!
- [Firefoot:] FLI can be made very
- forgiving as well (no stable raster
- needed).
- [Waveform:] Firefoot: It actually
- uses the CPU's Phi cycle as well as
- the VIC Phi cycle.
- [Waveform:] Fire: That is
- probably what you are remembering.
- [Firefoot:] Well, with FLI it
- *is* nice to use a stable interrupt.
- I use the double raster method as
- well, always seemed the cleanest to
- me.
- [Firefoot:] Oh, it is not easy to
- put sprites over FLD. You have to
- make sure that your delay each line
- is exactly correct. Very weird
- code... I did that and sprite over
- FLI with almost the same routine.
- ugh.
- [Firefoot:] Wave: That's
- *exactly* what I am remembering.
- [Waveform:] Fire: the phi thing?
- [Mike:] When the FLD bounces
- down...there -seems- to be a screen
- area behind it!
- [Firefoot:] Mike, basically what
- I did is constructed a section of
- unrolled FLI/FLD code, and played
- with the delay instructions each time
- I moved the sprites so that the
- timing was always correct.
- [Firefoot:] Wave, yes, the phi
- thing. From the appendix about the
- vic chip. It was very informative.
- [Mike:] Ok...I've heard these
- $xfff addies pop up over and over and
- I guess that explains why the some of
- my pics have those lines behind the
- FLD!
- [Firefoot:] Mike, the area behind
- the FLD is taken from the last byte
- of the video bank ($3fff, $7fff,
- $bfff, or $ffff). It is also what
- you see when you open up the
- borders.
- [Mike:] Gawd, those annoying
- lines... I couldn't figure out where
- they were coming from.
- [Waveform:] Make VICBASE+$3fff
- equal to 0... or is it $FF?... and
- the lines will vanish.
- [Mike:] I also ran a few old
- demos..and someone (tfo?) was
- blabbing about how this border was
- opened up via FLD and the other one
- wasn't..etc., etc? How does FLD open
- up a border?
- [Style:] Is it true it becomes
- +$x9ff when extended color mode is
- on?
- [Firefoot:] Style, I have never
- heard that, but I have never used
- extended color mode while doing any
- of those.
- [Firefoot:] Mike, the "fld
- opening up the side borders" thing
- basically uses the stable raster
- created with the fld to open the side
- borders. Easier than other methods,
- like the double raster method, but
- sloppy, in my opinion. besides, you
- can't get text or gfx....
- [Mike:] Firefoot, that is all
- well and good..but "How do you open
- up the nice sideborders?...period"...
- Apparently, you are telling me that
- the FLD is used as an "index" in this
- case.
- [Firefoot:] Oh... well... Do you
- know how to open the top/bottom
- borders (the theory behind it)?
- [Waveform:] Well, if you time it
- right, you make the screen 38 columns
- instead of 40 right at the last cycle
- on the raster.
- [Mike:] Only thing I know how to
- do is 38/40 column it... :D
- [Waveform:] Then on the next
- cycle, the vic thinks it has already
- started displaying the border... so
- it doesn't start.
- [Style:] Which location is the
- gfx behind an open side border???
- [CRoth:] Waveform: I've tried to
- do that, failed miserably.
- [Waveform:] Style: VICBASE +
- $3fff
- [Waveform:] Anytime you open a
- border or open screen space and the
- vic doesn't have normal info to fill
- it will it takes the last byte in its
- address space and sticks it in
- there.
- [Firefoot:] Croth: Did you make a
- stable raster first? Without that
- you will fail miserably.
- [CRoth:] Firefoot: I couldn't
- figure it out. Had a friend of mine
- explain it to me, he was a genius
- when it came to that. :)
- [Mike:] What about TWO FLD's? I
- could swear I have seen one FLD
- bounce and then another bounce the
- screen behind it! Is this lunacy on
- my part?
- [Waveform:] No it isn't, you stop
- one FLD...The VIC starts
- drawing...then later on, you start
- another FLD... You get two open
- spaces on your screen!
- [Style:] And if you can be
- bothered, you can make a FLD on every
- line & slice the picture up :D
- [Waveform:] FLD make the whole
- screen data move down and up. You can
- achieve similar effects with
- sprites... just make all the Y coords
- go up and down.
- [Mike:] Ok..can you limit how
- WIDE the FLD is ? Or is it always
- full-screen?
- [Waveform:] You can't FLD on
- every line... can you? doesn't that
- pooch your pic? I've seen every eight
- lines... but every line?!?! I
- thought that if you FLD after the VIC
- draws on the next line, you get a
- STRETCH, don't you?
- [Style:] Wave, check out "Finely
- Sliced" by Christopher Jam.
- [Firefoot:] Mike, I think the FLD
- is always fullscreen wide. I can't
- see how it wouldn't be.
- [Firefoot:] Same here Wave, I've
- only seen every 8 lines as well.
- Perhaps you could do some sort of
- weird cross between FLI and FLD to
- get every line. Of course, the
- timing would be most annoying.
- [Firefoot:] Wave, I've seen that,
- but it seems to "stretch" every two
- lines? Like that one arson demo,
- forget the name, and the one foe
- demo, and a few others as well.
- [Firefoot:] [Style], is "Finely
- Sliced" NTSC fixed?
- [Waveform:] I think I
- accidentally did a stretch when
- trying to code FLD and it seemed like
- it did every two lines as
- well...weird.
- [Mike:] Indulge me, what is a
- "stretch" ?
- [Style:] Maybe it is every two
- lines.. Its been a while since I've
- seen it. I think Albion made a demo
- called ache! That did pretty much the
- same thing.
- [Style:] Fire: I dont know if it
- is NTSC fixed...
- [Firefoot:] Mike, a stretch is an
- FLD with some slight modifications so
- that it "stretches" the screen data.
- [---end of transcript---]